
Cebu Hawk-Owl moves off endangered list; threat remains



Cebu hawk-owl, locally known as boobook. (Photo by PBCFI)

A positive development for Cebu’s wildlife – another of the island’s native bird species is no longer classified as endangered.

The Cebu hawk-owl (Ninox rumsey), known locally as boobook, has been upgraded from Endangered to Vulnerable (which species is in a better position than before but still requires protection to prevent it from becoming endangered again) on the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List, according to the Philippine Biodiversity Conservation Foundation Inc. (PBCFI). This follows the recent delisting of the black shama (siloy), another bird unique to Cebu.

Recent estimates suggest the Cebu hawk-owl population may have grown from around 400 to as many as 900 individuals, based on the findings of the BirdLife International. 

However, despite this improvement, the species remains at risk due to habitat loss and other environmental pressures.

The hawk-owl, which is only found in the forests of Alcoy, Argao, Dalaguete, and Boljoon, was previously endangered due to deforestation.

Although its status has improved, Vulnerable remains a high-risk classification, indicating that continued conservation efforts and habitat protection are essential to ensuring the species’ survival. – AL


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Hecyl Brojan



Hecyl Brojan
